Home > About Norfolk Wherry Brass > Rules


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a. The “Norfolk Wherry Brass” Band (hereinafter referred to as “The Band”) is managed by an Executive Committee, elected at an Annual General Meeting.
b. The Constitution of the Band establishes the framework within which the Band operates. Copies of the Constitution and Rules are available from the Secretary.
c. All matters concerning the organisation, planning, operation and financing of the Band should be referred to the Executive Committee for discussion and action.


a. Applications for Membership must be made in writing to the Secretary and will be considered for approval at an Executive Committee Meeting.
Every member, upon election and thereafter, is deemed to have notice of, and impliedly undertakes to comply with the Band Rules. Any refusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct which, in the opinion of the Committee is either unworthy of a member or otherwise injurious to the interests of the Band, shall render a member liable to expulsion by the Committee. PROVIDED THAT, before expelling a member, the Committee shall call upon such member for a written explanation of the member’s conduct and shall give the member full opportunity of making explanation to the Committee, or of resigning.
A resolution to expel a member shall be carried by a single majority vote by those members of the Committee present and voting on the Resolution. Voting in this case will be by secret ballot. In the event of an equality of votes, the resolution to expel will fail.
b. Subscriptions are payable by Members as agreed at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings. The Committee may cancel, without notice given, the membership of any member whose annual subscription (or such part of the subscription is due to be paid) is more than three months in arrears provided that the Committee may, at its discretion, re-instate such member upon payment of arrears. No member so in arrears may take part in any Band rehearsal, concert or contest, nor vote at any meeting of the Band.
c. Playing Members of the Band will be registered with the British Brass Band Registry as members of the Band.
d. Members wishing to resign from the Band must give at least one month’s notice in writing to the Secretary.


a. Every member shall furnish the Honorary Secretary with an up-to-date address which shall be recorded in the Register of Members and any notice sent to such address shall be deemed to have been duly delivered.
b. Members shall at all times conduct themselves in an acceptable manner and with consideration for other Members and the general public. The deportment, appearance and total demeanour of the Band is part of the service the Band provides to its clients and has to be of as high a standard as the musical performance.
c. Playing Members are expected to attend each scheduled Band rehearsal and engagement.
d. Playing Members arriving late at rehearsal must wait for a suitable moment before taking their place.
e. Playing Members must notify the Bandmaster as early as possible their availability for an engagement.
f. Playing Members should arrive at engagement venues by the time stated and wear the full uniform specified.
g. Members are expected to assist with the setting up and packing away of chairs, stands and other equipment at rehearsals and engagements.
h. Complaints or suggestions of any nature relating to the management of the Band shall be addressed in writing to the Honorary Secretary. Under no circumstances shall a servant of the Band be personally reprimanded by a member.


a. Property purchased by, gifted to or otherwise acquired by the Senior or Academy Band shall be dedicated for the sole use of the respective Band, unless otherwise agreed by, in the case of the Senior Band, the Executive Committee, or, in the case of the Academy Band, the Academy Band Management Committee.
b. Members will be required to sign the appropriate Property Register on issue of Band Property. The register will also be signed off when the item is returned to the Band.
c. Members are expected to safeguard, maintain in good working order and keep clean all property issued to them.
d. Members will return to the Band any property issued to them, when requested by the Executive Committee or when leaving the Band.